Monday, November 24, 2014

Touch Day Out Tournament

Last week on Thursday, our year 7&8 Touch Teams had the opportunity to play mixed touch at the House Park reserve in Mangere. The theme of the Tournament was “ Walk the Talk” Which was part of Cyber bullying, Anti bullying and Bullying in all sorts of ways. It was also held by the  Genesis Youth Trust.

For half of the day, the hosts were always talking about bullying and what it can do to other people. Most of the conversations they had were about Emotional feelings and what bullying people can cause. It was a wonderful day meeting a lot of schools out in the South. We were put in to two different groups which were Whero (Red) and Kahurangi(Blue)

One of my favourite parts of the day, were making it into the Finals with Kedgley. It was quite sad lost our game but then at the end of the day we actually came 2nd!!!!!! But hard luck for the other team they had came 2nd to last apparently.

Near the end of the day, our Kahurangi team had came back with a basketball that they had won. They had won it by a dancing competition that they had attended. There were alot of activities and games that were held. They even gave out free lunch, such as a Sausage sizzle and Ice cream for a treat.

It was an Amazing day, and it also was a good message that they had sent about bullying.

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